Spring Bounty

Warmer temperatures have brought mud season to Northeast Ohio. It’s too early in spring for the bursts of color that will appear over the next month, so everything outdoors remains brown, chilled, wet, and uninspiring for me when looking for photographs. But these eggs were sitting on the counter and something about eggs foreshadows spring for me.[1]

Well, truthfully, as a chicken owner now it’s not just a spring-thing. Oftentimes chickens will cease laying for a bulk of the darker months of winter, but I think because our chickens didn’t start laying until late fall we were still getting at least an egg every day even through the winter. Still, with the weather warming into spring – albeit slowly – the bounty has increased over the past few weeks.

  1. Maybe a Catholic upbringing in childhood that included dyeing Easter eggs every spring.  ↩

Matt Connorsblog