A Fresh Start

If you’ve followed me for long you’ll know that I’m a poor blogger: infrequent and undedicated. I can’t promise that i’ll remedy that with this new website and blog. I will try though. I essentially blew up my old website and only sifted out a few of my later blog posts from the wreckage to kick off this new site. Other than that this site is a complete redesign[1]. I wanted a new look that featured my work better and had a simpler design.

Thanks for stopping by. I will continue to tweak the site slightly as I settle in, but bounce around the different pages and let me know what you think. I’m interested in hearing.

  1. I decided to leave Wordpress and switch to Squarespace. Squarespace’s drag and drop format is more intuitive for someone like me with little coding and design experience and even less patience for bumbling through designing a website despite an ironic determination to try and power through my ignorance leading to hours of frustration. After my brief experience with Squarespace it was a smart move and I’m very happy with the move.  ↩

BlogMatt Connorslandscape