Wrapping up 2016

Happy new year everyone.

I’ve greatly neglected this blog. I’m not foolish enough to make a New Year’s resolution to increase my upkeep of this blog. I’ve resolved the same and failed too many times in the past for me to kid myself. I can only say I intend to try.

I’ll begin with this short post to say thank you to the Cramer and Cheney families for helping me finish out a fun 2016 business year. I’ve found that keeping photography sessions with toddlers simple and giving them some autonomy in posing and locations keeps them smiling and cooperative longer. The kids in both families did wonderfully.

The Cramers and I took advantage of an unseasonably warm November weekend to photograph outside and chat while we walked in Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

Winter’s cold had arrived by December when the Cheneys opened their house to me to photograph their family.

Toddler photography is some of the hardest work I do, but I am always honored to be given the opportunity to try and share the character and fun of the children and the relationships of the families I photograph.